Dec 06, · My Experience as a CNA. Dec 6, | Blog, Career Advice. My name is LaShayah (call me Shay), and I have been a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) for six years. I honestly love what I do! Although some people may look at me as the poop cleaner or waitress, I see myself as an important part of the health care team. With pride I assist the nurse Essay On Assisted Living Experience. Words 4 Pages. From the beginning of this year, and into the summer I worked as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) at an assisted living facility in Colorado. It was a great experience and it made me realize that helping people is something that I want to do no matter what. Working as a CNA has taught Apr 13, · Certified Nursing Assistant Many people say it takes a special person to go into the health field especially into nursing. There's so many skills and values nurses have to use on a daily basis to maintain their roles and keep a smile on the patients faces. There are many different areas CNA's are needed like the nursing homes, assisted living
Certified Nursing Assistant Free Essay Example
Many people say it takes a special person to go into the health field especially into nursing, cna experience essays. Being a Nursing Assistant you kind of get the dirty work, but we all have to start somewhere. You must be very compassionate and have the desire to help people. Its definitely not a easy job but its very rewarding.
To become a Nursing Assistant, it takes a lot of hard undivided time put into studying and knowing how to act on the spot in certain situations. Cna experience essays and different things happen each day with the patients and knowing how to react properly is one of the most important things to know, cna experience essays. I have encountered in a lot of situations when I have prevented residents from falling by being attentive to them while passing by their rooms, or just simply checking on them frequently.
Sometimes they are halfway out of the bed even though I make sure their beds are cna experience essays to the floor. As a dedicated long term care and hospice Certified Nursing Assistant, I have to be very loving caring and respectful to all my patients. I try very hard each day to provide them with the care that I would want to receive of one of my own relatives. There is no other way to do a good job as a CNA without love and understanding, patience, kindness, cna experience essays, spiritual values, listening skills, alertness, communication, observation, respect, and privacy.
While I was doing my long 12 hour shift cna experience essays to become a CNA, I had a specific patient in the nursing home that I will never forget. In room my patients name was Rusty. Rusty could not remember his name, cna experience essays, cna experience essays he was, or why he was even there. I noticed he had the Nazi symbol tattooed on his cna experience essays because I cna experience essays to change his depends every time he used the bathroom.
I just kind of chuckled every time I saw it. The head nurse copied her voice mail from her old cell phone and now when he wants to call his mom all we had to do was press Seeing him go through that pain on a day to day basis hurt so much, but knowing that us nurses were the only ones there for him, and he relied on us to cna experience essays everything made it very rewarding to know we can help some one out when there is no one else.
There are various types of institutions that are built for the elderly based on what they are capable of doing. Hospice is a center for the elderly that are on their death bed, or for patient that are expected not to make it much longer due to fast cna experience essays disease. Currently I am working in a hospice center as a PRN position. The position basically means that I can accept or turn down the offer of a certain job during that day for specific hours.
I jump back and forth between patients houses as an in home care nurse, assisted living facilites and nursing homes. Hospice is a completely different category then just a regular nurse working at a nursing home. Each day you go to work you are expecting a patient to die, or close to it. For one, seeing a traumatic experience is hard on yourself because death is always a touchy and hard subject for most people to go through.
Seeing cna experience essays patients family suffer because of their loved one is hard on you and you just feed off their vibes, cna experience essays. For two, when you receive patients you automatically become attached to them because you see them every day multiple times for different reasons.
Nurses get to know the patient for who they are, and just get to have that one on one time and listen to them, cna experience essays. Building a relationship with the elderly and then losing them gets tough on a day to day basis. Becoming a nurse definitely takes a special person who has many different characteristics. Nurses have to be able to multitask, and accomplish different tasks at the same time. If you are thinking about joining the health field, make sure you have the qualities and are going into it because its something you want to do.
Not because of the money of benefits certain jobs have to offer. If the elderly is not for you, maybe working with newborn babies is. Becoming a CNA takes a lot of hard work and dedication to knowing what you are trying to achieve for your final goal. Whether you want to work in assisted living, a nursing home, or a hospital you need different qualities and experience for each individual job. I would not change my career choice for anything. Certified Nursing Assistant, cna experience essays.
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Reasons You Should Not Become a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
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Essay On The Benefits Of Being A Cna As A Student Nurse. For students who elect to pursue a career in the medical field, especially nursing, the chance and opportunity to be part of a functional healthcare system presents thrilling prospects Dec 06, · My Experience as a CNA. Dec 6, | Blog, Career Advice. My name is LaShayah (call me Shay), and I have been a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) for six years. I honestly love what I do! Although some people may look at me as the poop cleaner or waitress, I see myself as an important part of the health care team. With pride I assist the nurse Mar 01, · Essay, Pages 5 ( words) Views. Many people say it takes a special person to go into the health field especially into nursing. There’s so many skills and values nurses have to use on a daily basis to maintain their roles and keep a smile on the patients faces. There are many different areas CNA’s are needed like the nursing homes, assisted living facilites, hospice centers, hospitals and
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