May 03, · Example #2. I am a CNA, I am the person who helps your loved ones, children, and maybe even yourself with everyday aspects. I am the person who helps your grandmother get ready in the morning or helps your uncle eat his lunch. I am slapped, bit, and yelled at more times than not. I change diapers and clean up vomit daily A Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is very crucial to the survival of people who are in need. There are very many Certified Nursing Assistants all over the country and they are very helpful and skill Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay. Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. View full Feb 22, · It takes a certain type of person to do the work of a nursing assistant. I am proud to be a Future CNA! Yes, I may become “only a CNA” in the eyes of some people, but to others I will be much more. I will be the one, in many residents lives, who will be providing them with their ADL’s
Why I Want To Be A Cna Free Essays
I don't understand, while being a CNA is hard, it is not rocket science. You basically have to work, and care. So many CNAs don't do either one. I don't know how they go home and sleep knowing that they left their residents soaked, cold, and dirty. Why don't they just go work at a gas station. Very few things make me as angry as when the residents are not getting the care they DESERVE.
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