Coalition App Prompts Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution We walk you through how to choose the best prompt and write a brilliant Coalition App essay for Over colleges and universities use the Coalition Application as part of their admissions process. Like the Common App, the Coalition App offers multiple prompts for high school seniors to choose from when writing their personal statements
Which Coalition Essay Prompt Should You Choose?
In this article, we will introduce you to a relatively new admissions platform, the Coalition Application. Then, we will offer some suggestions about how to approach its essay prompts. Want to learn more about how to write the Coalition Application Essays? Coalition app essay out one of our popular recorded live streams on this topic. The Coalition Application was created by a group of college administrators as an alternative to the more-widely used Common Application.
The application cycle is the fourth full cycle in which the Coalition Application is available. A complete list of over schools that accept the Coalition Application can be found here. Many colleges ask their applicants for the same basic information: your name and address, the classes you took in high school, your GPA, and your test score. The Coalition Application, like the Common Application, offers you the chance to enter all that information into a single platform without having to re-enter it for each new school that you apply for.
One of the unique features of the Coalition Application is its Locker system. The Locker is an online storage space that allows you to collect and organize your application materials.
These materials might include traditional essays and letters of recommendation, but they also might include audio files where you show off your saxophone playing skills or a high-resolution image of your latest experiment in watercolor portraiture. This aspect of the Coalition Application is especially useful for students applying to majors in art or music because these programs often want to see and hear what their applicants have already done, coalition app essay.
Note that when you store something in your Locker, the schools that you are applying for will only see it if you specifically give them permission.
More information about the Coalition Application, including tutorial videos coalition app essay tell you how to navigate its interface, can be found on their website, coalition app essay. Before you sit down to start writing your essays, it is a good idea to look at the essay requirements for all of the schools on your school list together, coalition app essay.
Some of your target schools might just want you to respond to one of the prompts from the Coalition Application. Other schools might want you to write an additional essay that is specific to that school. And still other schools might be using the Common Application instead of the Coalition Application, coalition app essay. After you figure out which schools require which essays, you can settle on the exact number of original essays that you will actually need to write.
With some careful planning, you can minimize the number of essays you will need to write and give yourself more time to produce high-quality work. After you have looked at all the essays that you need to write for all your target schools, you should start looking at the collection of essays that you will need to write for each coalition app essay school, coalition app essay.
Between the Coalition and the supplementary essays, some schools might want two, or three, coalition app essay even four essays from their applications. Ideally, each essay will help the admissions committee learn something new about you that they would not be able to get from looking at your test coalition app essay and grades, coalition app essay.
For example, you might have one essay where you discuss your work in the Model United Nations club. In another essay you might shift the focus from your interest in international relations to your coalition app essay personal history: Maybe you grew up in Brazil and you want to write about a quiet moment when your father first taught you how to make abará a popular dish, coalition app essay.
A common theme holds these essays together your interest in and connection to cultures that reach across national boundariesbut the focus of each essay is distinct. The trick is to think about your essays as complementing each other to build a multi-dimensional picture of you.
Of course, no set of word essays will ever be enough to communicate the whole of your personality. The challenge is to pick and choose the collection of anecdotes and experiences that will make an admissions committee want to invite you to their campus so that they can learn more, coalition app essay. One last note on word count : The Coalition Application suggests that your responses be between and words, coalition app essay.
However, some individual schools have specific word count limits that are higher or lower. Want to know your chances at hundreds of different schools? Calculate your chances for free right now. Prompt 1: Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Prompt 2: Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus.
Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution, coalition app essay. How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs? Prompt 4: What is the hardest part of being a student now? What advice would you give a younger sibling coalition app essay friend assuming they would listen to you? The first thing to notice about this prompt is how it encourages you to do something that you should be doing in all your essays.
The admissions committee, however, cannot see how you interact with your friends, family and co-workers, coalition app essay, so the best you can do is give them a coalition app essay that helps them imagine what kind of person you are, coalition app essay. For example, if you want the admissions coalition app essay to know that you are exceptional at thinking quickly to solve problems, you should share a story about a time where you actually did that.
Maybe you were trying to hold a car wash fundraiser for the chorus in front of your school, but the water happened to be cut off that day, so you had to think quickly and convince the restaurant across the street to let you hold the car wash in their parking lot. Maybe you were able to convince the restaurant manager that a car wash might attract business, and you can talk about how the other members of your chorus helped you make a plan for effectively managing traffic.
After all, you seem to have fabricated the example about the car wash out of thin air. This is where it becomes especially important to offer specific details to make your story come alive, the kind of details that only someone who was really there could speak to.
In the car wash example, you might mention how satisfying it was to see the soapy water evaporating in the hot sun, or how you were glad someone brought waterproof sunblock to share. At the end of the day, the admissions committee is not going to subject your story to cross-examination: More than just telling a story, you are also trying to demonstrate with your writing that you are a thoughtful and observant person who sees the world in a distinctive way.
Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, coalition app essay, and what did you learn from the experience? If this sounds like you, coalition app essay, then please share your story. This prompt offers you a way to address a common suspicion among admissions officers: the ever-growing activity lists that students use to pad resumes in an increasingly competitive college admissions game.
But there is an added challenge with this prompt. You want to speak with humility and maturity about the extent of your contributions and the challenges you encountered. Coalition app essay canned food drive may be a perfectly fine thing to do, but there are shades of distinction between doing charity work that makes the givers feel good as they add a line on their CV and entering into the sustained local partnerships that make meaningful contributions to the common good.
If you worked with your local food bank, you might write about how you started helping unload bread deliveries from a bakery, and about how you learned to repair one of the freezers when it broke down. If you are involved with an organization that is working for the greater good, the challenges you are collaborating to face coalition app essay probably long standing.
There are certainly small victories that you might eek out. Maybe you played a role in convincing a new grocery store to contribute more fresh produce during the winter. Finally, maybe you have not done a significant amount of traditional service work. That does not mean you cannot offer a good answer to this question.
Maybe you have spent a lot of time providing care for a sick relative, or you quit the high school soccer team because you coalition app essay to babysit your little brother when your mom had to take an evening shift. Given the current, politically-charged atmosphere in the United States, coalition app essay, this prompt has the potential to elicit the most controversial — but also the most interesting — response.
This coalition app essay gives you a chance to explore that problem. When responding to this question, coalition app essay, one thing that you should recognize is that you do not have to be telling a story about how you suddenly changed your mind about an issue you care about. Even in the space of words, you can talk with nuance about how you moved from one side of an issue coalition app essay another, weaving back and forth as you accumulate new perspectives.
It was only when you moved to the US that you realized that some women want and choose to wear a hijab. You became friends with someone who proudly wore one as a symbol of their religious identity, coalition app essay, and coalition app essay distance herself from toxic beauty standards. After learning about the banning of the veil in some European countries, you also realize that the hijab can be a symbol of religious freedom.
We offer the above example in order to suggest that it is actually okay to take on difficult issues in your admissions essays. When you go to college, you will be exploring difficult questions all the time. Demonstrating the capacity to explore complex issues in a mature and respectful manner can help strengthen your admissions profile. Keep your audience in mind, however. Furthermore, try to avoid extremely polarizing and broad topics that may alienate admissions officers, like abortion.
The best topics are deeply-personal and allow you to share your own experiences. You might talk about how issues that affect many different populations affect teenagers in particular.
For example, what effect is the opioid epidemic having on your high school? On another, more positive note, maybe there is something that is particularly great about being a teenager now. One of the particular coalition app essay of this prompt is that it seems to be asking three separate questions at once: the hardest thing about being a teenager, the best thing about being a teenager, and advice you would give to a younger person.
To write a coherent response, you will need to make the three parts of this essay work together. In addition to the problems that image picture-sharing platforms might create, maybe they also offer young people new ways to find friends in far-flung places. The social media sites that open up new potentials for bullying might also allow young LGBTQ to connect with each other and find support communities that might otherwise have been beyond their reach, coalition app essay.
In reflecting on the challenges and possibilities that new communication technologies afford, you can move to offering some advice to your younger cousin about how to navigate these spaces safely and thoughtfully.
One final note: Maybe you are a non-traditional student who is, in fact, not a teenager when you are applying to college. Indeed, maybe you are in your 30s and already have a child who is on their way to coalition app essay a teenager, coalition app essay.
This is the wildcard option, and you can use it in several different ways. But the possibilities for this essay are truly coalition app essay. What did you learn from that failure? This is understandable. They also increasingly recognize that a healthy student body will be able to handle the emotional turmoil that comes with not succeeding.
So, when did you fail at something? How did you keep it together while you were on stage? What did it take to walk with dignity off a stage of half-hearted applause? What lessons did you learn from that experience? What risks did you continue to take after that initial failure? Admissions officers are probably very tired of seeing quotes from notables appear in college essays, trotted out to add a layer of profundity that often sounds more like coalition app essay recitation. By choosing a particular quote and deconstructing coalition app essay, you can demonstrate an agile mind and springboard off coalition app essay response to the quote in order to share something of your own intellectual interests and personal experience.
How to write an essay in 5 mins and ace it (TikTok)
, time: 0:49How to Write the Coalition Application Essays

Coalition App Prompts Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution We walk you through how to choose the best prompt and write a brilliant Coalition App essay for Over colleges and universities use the Coalition Application as part of their admissions process. Like the Common App, the Coalition App offers multiple prompts for high school seniors to choose from when writing their personal statements
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