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Chapter 4 research paper example

Chapter 4 research paper example

chapter 4 research paper example

Chapter 4 of this research study. Results are presented using graphs and tables, followed by a relevant discussion. A summary on correlations, findings and the like, appear after the focus specific discussion in each section - company background, organisational perspectives, learnerships, the Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA. Rodny Baula. Table 2 According to the police officers of this municipality, the reason why they cannot afford to send their child in tertiary after high school is poverty and because of this CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter overseen the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered by the researchers. This study aims to determine the effects of the K implementation to the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy curriculum and the students. The researchers applied the retrospective study where documentary analysis on

Writing Chapter 4 – Analysis & Results for Quantitative Research – Valmiki Academy

Sometimes students spend so much time collecting and analysing the data but when it comes to reporting they do not do a good job. They fail to tease out valuable and relevant information and present it in Chapter 4, chapter 4 research paper example.

In some instances, the presentation of the data is not clear even though Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are well written. Chapter 4 is perhaps the most important chapter because it is the culmination of all your efforts. People would like to know what you have found out after spending so many years. It is a big deal because the findings is the essence of the whole project.

You should be most excited in what you have found and to be able to convey that excitement in Chapter 4. Here we will focus on writing the results and analysis of data based on a quantitative approach which consists of THREE sections:. Briefly tell the reader about the research design — i. whether it was an experimental, quasi-experimental, survey. correlational design and so forth, chapter 4 research paper example. Also, briefly describe the data collection techniques — such as questionnaire, observation, interviews, aptitude tests, attitude tests, scales, inventories and so forth [Note that the process of how you collected the data must be aligned with what was employed in Chapter 3 — a common error is that what you reported in Chapter 3 does not match with what was mentioned in Chapter 4].

Finally, in this section you briefly describe the characteristics of the sample such as age, gender or other relevant information that has emerged from your data collection to provide context for your findings. You could include tables describing the demographics of the sample. Organise your presentation as follows:.

In attempting to answer each Research Question or Hypothesis, you would surely have used various statistical tools and procedures. You have to demonstrate how theses statistical tests help answer Research Question 1 or the rejection or acceptance of Hypotheses 1.

You have to show how the statistical analysis employed allow you to draw conclusions. Note that you have to assume that the readers of your thesis have a knowledge of statistic s, chapter 4 research paper example. APA Guidelines for Reporting Statistical Analysis. Reporting Descriptive Statistics. In reporting the results of descriptive statistical tests, focus is on the means Mstandard deviations SDfrequencies N and percentages presented in tables or graphs bar charts, line graphs, pie charts.

For example, chapter 4 research paper example. If you present descriptive statistics in a table or figure, you do not need to repeat in text form all that is in the table.

However, you should explain the key features in the table in the narrative which will help interpretation. A common error is tell nothing chapter 4 research paper example the table or graph in the text or to tell in writing everything in the table or graph. You have to decide on what are the key findings or features that should be written about. Reporting the p value. Most quantitative research in the behavioural and social sciences involve comparing two or more groups of individuals. The statistical tools such as t-test, ANOVA are used to report a significant difference between two or more conditions where one condition may be more, less, higher or lower than another condition.

Before you report, make sure that you mention at the onset that you are using a particular alpha level such as. This is how it should be reported:. Correlations provide a measure of statistical relationship between two variables. Note that correlations can be tested for statistical significance and reported as follows:. Reporting the Independent Samples t Test.

For this analysis, the emphasis is on comparing the means from two groups. Here again the summary and the inferential statistics focus on the difference. Some chapter 4 research paper example mistakes in reporting statistical data. This sub-section should summarise the answers to the main Research Questions or Hypotheses that the analysis answered.

This section serves as the transition to Chapter 5, where these results will be discussed in detail. Writing the Thesis. Previous Lesson. Next Lesson. Also, briefly describe the data collection techniques — such as questionnaire, observation, interviews, aptitude tests, attitude tests, scales, inventories and so forth [Note that the process of how you collected the data must be aligned with what was employed in Chapter 3 — a common error is that what you reported in Chapter 3 does not match with what was mentioned in Chapter 4] Finally, in this section you briefly describe the characteristics of the sample such as age, gender or other relevant information that has emerged from your data collection to provide context for your findings.

In form of a statement — Gender and Leadership Style in the Banking Sector. In the form of a null hypothesis — There is no significant difference between male and female managers ………. Guidelines for the Presentation of Statistical Information Support your presentation with tables, graphs, charts and figures where applicable Follow APA format. Tables, charts, chapter 4 research paper example, graphs chapter 4 research paper example figures should be interpreted — it is your responsibility to tell your reader what you think is the most important information in the graphics.

Make sure that each graphic is clearly labelled with a title so that readers can easily identify and understand them. Never present a table, chart, or figure that you are not planning to explain It should be written in the past tense because the data has been collected. Do not judge, editorialise, evaluate or give you opinion on chapter 4 research paper example results obtained.

Just report the facts, OK! APA Guidelines for Reporting Statistical Analysis Reporting Descriptive Statistics In reporting the results of descriptive statistical tests, focus is on the means Mstandard deviations SDfrequencies N and percentages presented in tables or graphs bar charts, line graphs, pie charts.

Reporting the p value Most quantitative research in the behavioural and social sciences involve comparing two or more groups of individuals. Reporting Correlations Correlations provide a measure of statistical relationship between two variables. Some common mistakes in reporting statistical data Forgetting to italicise symbols such as p, t, chapter 4 research paper example, F, r.

SUMMARY This sub-section should summarise the answers to the main Research Questions or Hypotheses that the analysis answered. Summarize the results of the tests for the reader in their order of significance. No new information or analysis should be included; the goal of the summary is to summarize the findings for the reader in one to two paragraphs.

Add a transition to the topics in chapter five. Back to Course.

#chapter4 Tips in Writing the Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

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chapter 4 research paper example

Apr 20,  · Chapter 4 is the culmination of your study and represents your best thinking and how you answered the research question you had formulated/stated in chapter one of the research project. The researcher should begin this chapter with two or three introductory paragraphs An example of a true experiment reported in a communication journal is a study investigating the effects of using interest-based contemporary examples in a lecture on the history of public relations, in which the researchers had the following two hypotheses: "Lectures utilizing interest- based examples should result in more interested Chapter four of the Thesis is given different titles “Analysis of Data”; “Results of Study”; “Analysis and Results” and two key words is ‘analysis’ and ‘results’ where the researcher analyses the data collected and presents the results in Chapter 4.‘Analysis’ here implies the use of relevant statistical tools usually to determine differences and relationships

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