Steven E. Smullin, William Faquin, Srinivas M. Susarla, and Leonard B. Kaban, Peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma: report of a case and literature review Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 40, Ernest Baden, John L. Doyle, and Victor Petriella May 01, · The first detailed report in English literature on desmoplastic ameloblastoma (DA) was given by Eversole in , who called it an “ameloblastoma with pronounced desmoplasia.” DA is a rare variant of ameloblastoma accounting for approximately % of ameloblastomas.[ 3 ] Hybrid desmoplastic ameloblastoma: A case report of rare entity and review of literature Priya Shirish Joshi 1, Someshwar Golgire 2, Sachin Majati 3 1 Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Vasantdada Patil Dental College and Hospital, Kavalapur, Sangli, Maharashtra, India 2 Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College and Research Centre, New
Peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma: report of a case and literature review
Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma is a rare variant of ameloblastoma. We are presenting a rare case of desmoplastic ameloblastoma in the ramus region of mandible with regards to its clinical and radiographical viewpoints.
Only one other case of desmoplastic ameloblastoma has been reported in the ramus region of mandible of the 90 cases that we have reviewed. Review of literature has revealed the tumour to most commonly occur in the 3rd to 5th decade of life with a high preponderance of Japanese males.
The anterior region of either jaw was most commonly found to be affected. However our case differed from the reviewed cases as it was found to be a unilocular lesion with well defined borders. Histopathological findings of our case were consistent with the hisotpathological appearance of the reviewed cases and showed extensive stromal desmoplasia and small tumour nests of odontogenic epithelium scattered in stroma.
This article has been peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma report of a case and literature review by 1 Hybrid ameloblastoma: a mystified histopathological entity Ravinder Singh,Monika Gupta,Shailja Chatterjee,Karandeep Singh Arora BMJ Case Reports. Sarode,Sachin C. Sarode,Mamatha Reddy,Hemant V. Unadkat,Shazia Mushtaq,Revati Deshmukh,Shakira Choudhary,Nitin Gupta,Anjali P. Ganjre,Shankargouda Patil Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry.
and Marianetti, T. and Boniello, R. and Grussu, F. and Gasparini, G. and Azzuni, C. and Pelo, S. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. and Queiroz, I. and Correia, A. and Do Egito Vasconcelos, B. and Gueiros, L. and Leao, J. and De Castro, J. General Dentistry. and Odukoya, O. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology. Minichetti, Joseph C. DæAmore, Evan Schwarz Journal of Oral Implantology. and Patankar, S. and Khot, K. and Korde, S. and Alex, S. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry.
and Jain, H. and Mohan, C. and Rastogi, V. peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma report of a case and literature review Rastogi, K. Journal International Medical Sciences Academy. and Giudice, A. and Amantea, M. and Giudice, M. Oral Oncology. and Seyedmajidi, M. and Foroughi, R. Archives of Iranian Medicine. Smullin,William Faquin,Srinivas M. Susarla,Leonard B. Kaban Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. and Faquin, W. and Susarla, S.
and Kaban, L. Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. and Pereira, K. and Vasconcelos, M. and de Souza, L. and de Queiroz, L. and Medeiros, A. and Anzorena, J. and Galdeano, F. and Parra, V. and Carena, JA and Wolf, C. and Chirino, CN and others Revista Argentina de Dermatologia.
and Cristo, M. and Zusaeta, M. and Einstein, A. and Syed, RI Indian Journal of Dental Research. Login Users online:. CASE REPORT. Year : Volume : 17 Issue : 1 Page : Desmoplastic ameloblastoma : Report of a unique case and review of literature.
How to cite this article: Desai H, Sood R, Shah R, Cawda J, Pandya H. Indian J Dent Res ; How to cite this URL: Desai H, peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma report of a case and literature review, Sood R, Shah R, Cawda J, Pandya H.
Indian J Dent Res [serial online] [cited Oct 7]; Case report. Review of literature. Eversole LR, Leider AS, Hansen LS: Ameloblastoma with pronounced desmoplasia, J Oral Maxillofac Surg,Waldron CA, El-Mofty Sk A histopathologic study of ameloblastomas with special reference to the desmoplastic variant oral Sorg oral Med oral Pathol,Yoshimma Y, Saito H: Desmoplastic variant of ameloblastoma: report of a case and review of literature, J Oral Maxillofac Sorg,Tanimoto K, Takata T, Suei Y, Wada T: A case of desmoplastic variant of a mandibular ameloblastoma, J Craniomaxillofac Sorg,Higuchi Y, Nakamura N, Ohishi M, Tashiro H: Unusual ameloblastoma with extensive stromal desmoplasia, J Craniomaxillofac Surg,Philipsen HP ormiston IW, Reichart PA: The desmo- and osteoplastic ameloblastoma: histologic variant or clinicopathologic entity?
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Day 13 - Research Synthesis, Thematic Analysis \u0026 Inter Coder Reliability
, time: 2:56Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma: A case report with a brief review

2 CaseReportsinPathology Table1:Summaryofdataon35compiledcasesofhybridameloblas-toma. (%) Patientage(yr) Mean Range18–82 The desmoplastic variant of ameloblastoma is a rare, locally invasive, benign tumor of the jaws, typically found in the anterior regions of the maxilla and mandible. This ameloblastoma variant has been described as an intraosseous tumor; to our knowledge, there have been no published cases of a peripheral desmoplastic blogger.com by: 16 Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma (a Hybrid Variant): Report of a Case and Review of the Literature: Yazdi, I. and Seyedmajidi, M. and Foroughi, R. Archives of Iranian Medicine. ; 12(3): Peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma: report of a case and literature review
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