house cleaning Sample Business Plan Template #, written on, in Bremerton,. Here's is How to Write a Business Plan BUSINESS DESCRIPTION. LICENSES AND PERMITS COMPETITION MARKETING COMPETITION MANAGEMENT FINANCE AllCompany Enterprises is a quality, high-energy, house cleaning business Here is the full sample cleaning business marketing plan template. The overall size of the cleaning industry according to most estimates is somewhere around $ million in the United States of America. The state of Illinois is a major location in the industry mainly because of the highly industrialized and commercialized city of Chicago where Below is a complete guide on how to start a cleaning business from the ground up. House Cleaning Checklist Template - Cleaning Business Academy Jun 25, · I find this list to be very comparable to what most house cleaning services offer, give or take what should or should not be included in the spring/deep cleaning
Cleaning Services Business Plan Sample
A professional staff that is committed to exceeding customer expectations will be the core principal that YHCS is built on. There are two sectors of the residential community that YHCS will be serving: the wealthy business plan for house cleaning business income household and the affluent two income household. This high end demographic is willing to pay a premium for our house cleaning service because YHCS provides a high level business plan for house cleaning business professionalism not found anywhere else in the house cleaning industry.
YHCS is a home based business with Jane Smith as the sole proprietor. The projected growth rate is very high each year with good profit margins as a percentage of sales. After the first year, YHCS will have six additional employees, business plan for house cleaning business. This residential cleaning business plan will assist Jane with the start up process and manage the developing business.
Along with residential cleaning services YHCS will also offer other cleaning services to the residential client such as general room cleaning, pet clean up and after party clean up.
The target market for YHCS will be the high end where affluent families have other things to do with their time and choose to hire someone to clean for them. Business plan for house cleaning business, included in this high end demographic are the two income family that does not have the time to clean themselves and are forced to hire a cleaning service like YHCS.
The home office equipment includes a lap top computer and a cell phone. Along with a desk and three office chairs. The legal fees will be used to create the business and reviewing and generating employee and client contracts. Marketing fees are for the production of business cards and brochures, business plan for house cleaning business. Cleaning equipment must also be purchased for each employee. A commercial vacuum cleaner for each employee will be the highest expense.
Other items included in the employee cleaning kit will be brooms, mops, and cleaning chemicals that are environmentally friendly. Uniforms will also need to be purchased for a professional appearance something that is very important for our elite clientele.
Finally, Your House Cleaning Service will purchase magnetic company signs for employee vehicles for an additional touch of professionalism, business plan for house cleaning business. Our two primary target customers will consist of: 1. The affluent family who has a stay at home mother that is too busy to do house work while caring for her family. The two income family household who simply does not have the time to spend cleaning the house.
YHCS will target these two niche groups, business plan for house cleaning business. Services offered will be standard cleaning of the kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms. A laundry service will also be offered after the first year.
However, Your House Cleaning Service is not your average house cleaning business. YHCS is offering a very high quality and trustworthy service that far exceeds anything else currently being offered for high income family households.
Sarasota, FL currently has a wide range of different house cleaning services. The services offered range from independent companies to franchise services. There is no other company that is specifically targeting the wealthy high end customer base.
Within this high end group there two sub-sectors. The wealthy one-income family and the affluent two-income family. Both groups prefer a professional and reliable cleaning service and are willing to pay a little more for this professional level of service. The central marketing method will be word of mouth advertising and membership lists from the various elite clubs around the Sarasota area.
These families will use our service instead of others because of our commitment to professional and trustworthy service. This high level of service will be gained through extensive training and a continuous professional education process. YHCS will be qualifying leads over the phone with estimates and on site meetings. Starting in the second month of operation this sales strategy should begin to yield a steady increase in new business accounts.
It is highly unlikely that any business will be transacted during this first month of business. While setting up the business from an administrative stand point, office equipment will be purchased and set up.
After the physical office is ready the employee policy and procedure manual will be developed. After this is completed the YHCS will develop a proprietary employee training program. The second month will begin to see some business activity. We will begin to take calls over the phone and expect to convert some of those enquiries into contracts for house cleaning services. Initially the cleaning services will be conducted by Jane Smith and one other employee. As the number of new contracts increases near the end of the second month an additional employee will be recruited to form the first employee team.
By the end of month four we are projecting enough demand to create an additional employee team of two. The two teams of two will be sufficient until month seven when one more additional employee team will be brought on board. The current sales forecast is based on the thinking that demand will increase steadily.
This is mainly based on our focus on word of mouth advertising. This forecast is on the conservative side and we believe growth will be stronger due to the lack of competition in this high end niche market. The completion of the Business Plan, business plan for house cleaning business. This will create a roadmap for the organization. Setting up of the office. This will be done during the first month of operation.
Setting up the supply room. This task will also be completed during the first month of operation. Development of The YHCS's Elite Employee Training Program. Completing our first year in business with 3 two person employee teams. She has a degree from the University of South Florida in English Literature. While attending USF Jane worked for Marriot as a maid for three years. After graduation she worked full time for Marriot and worked her way up to supervisor. After five years with Marriot Jane has decided it is time to take that experience and transform it into a company that she can call her own.
She decided to move to Sarasota an upscale seaside community to start Your House Cleaning Services. Also, include how this funding will be sufficient to cover all start-up cost requirements that are included in the Start-Up Table. For example, break down the percentage increase in sales and profits, your gross margin, and important budget items. Privacy Policy - All Rights Reserved - © Cleaning Service Business Plan.
Sample of business plan for house cleaning business business plan template for a cleaning service company. Cleaning Service Business Plan Template. A Cleaning Service Business Plan. Cleaning Service. Price List. Business Plan.
At Your Business plan for house cleaning business. Sample Letters. Sign In. Small Business. Starting A Business. Service Contracts.
Meeting Management. Hiring An Employee. Employee Training. Continuous Improvement. Employee Performance. Management Evaluation. Employee Evaluation. Evaluation Comments. Power of Attorney. Rental Agreement. Re-Opening Announcement. Employee Temperature Log, business plan for house cleaning business. Visitor Sign In Sheet. Employee Letter.
Send Letter To Santa Claus.
How to Start a Cleaning Business (That Makes $25,000/Month)
, time: 22:26Cleaning Services Business Plan Sample
Second Fiscal Year $, Third Fiscal Year $, Conclusion. We have a cleaning service business plan sample that has used the business name, ‘Allen George Cleaning Services’. The business will be owned and managed by the industrious Allen George, who will also be the CEO of the business Mar 02, · Starting a business involves careful planning, writing a business plan, making key financial decisions, and completing a series of key activities.. You need every advantage you can get. With the right resources and strategies, starting a residential cleaning business or a commercial cleaning business from scratch can be an inexpensive way to become an entrepreneur house cleaning Sample Business Plan Template #, written on, in Bremerton,. Here's is How to Write a Business Plan BUSINESS DESCRIPTION. LICENSES AND PERMITS COMPETITION MARKETING COMPETITION MANAGEMENT FINANCE AllCompany Enterprises is a quality, high-energy, house cleaning business
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