Essay on Alcohol Advertising. Words7 Pages. Alcohol Advertising. Exposure to alcohol advertising is an everyday occurrence. Alcohol advertising is persuasive not only to adults but to those who are too young to buy alcohol legally. Although parents and peers have a large impact on youth decisions to drink, marketing also has a significant impact by influencing the attitudes of parents and May 30, · Alcohol advertising does not affect young people and their alcohol consumption. Advertising for alcohol is not big cause because it really does no harm and does not have bad intentions. Alcohol ads Alcohol Advertising Essay Words | 5 Pages. Alcohol Advertising Millions of Americans suffers from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. It can shatter lives, brake families, and to rob people of their dreams for the future
Alcohol Advertising Essay | Bartleby
Diego Loza English 3 Essay 3 May 30th, Alcohol Ads Should Be Banned? Have you ever watched a movie where there are shootings and dead people? When you saw these movies did it make you want to kill people as well? Well alcohol ads are just like violent movies, they do no harm, they are just for self-interest. These ads do not have anything to do with alcohol consumption like many people say.
These people so called, alcohol advertising essay, experts, say that alcohol advertising causes an increase in alcohol consumption for young men and women, alcohol advertising essay.
Alcohol advertising essay people agree with them, alcohol advertising essay, but in reality the people that agree are not well informed. The experts each place their opinion and state what they believe but never prove it with their studies. Sometimes they say they did do a study but never say the results of what they got. And these experts blame it on the closest thing to alcohol consumption and they chose alcohol advertising.
Alcohol advertising is not targeted for young people nor to increase alcohol consumption. Alcohol advertising is actually targeted for people to switch to their brand and to drink their brand. There are actually studies that show how much alcohol companies spend for their advertising so that people can drink their alcohol and switch to their brand. They do not encourage young people to alcohol advertising essay, all they want is more people behind their brand.
Alcohol advertising is rare on tv, they do not really have lots of alcohol ads on tv. Tv is all what young people watch these days, and if they do not show them on tv then how would they encourage young alcohol advertising essay to consume alcohol, alcohol advertising essay. And speaking from experience, when I see alcohol advertising essay advertisements they do not look like actual ads for alcohol it looks more like its made for people that have drank before and know what the commercial is talking about.
Commercials can take about 1 minute or 2 minutes at the most, and they do not really show what they are talking about. The only people that would understand those advertisements are mature and old enough to drink, to know they're talking about alcohol, alcohol advertising essay. I say this from experience alcohol advertising essay when I watch tv I usually end up knowing that the commercial was talking about alcohol when they say it at the end, alcohol advertising essay.
For example, there was one commercial that was very confusing and I did not know what they were talking about until it ended and it showed the alcohol bottle. Alcohol ads also sponsor sports but everybody alcohol advertising essay watches sports agree that beer and sports do not mix. If kids watch sports most likely they want to play that sport when they grow up, and they know that alcohol will stop and destroy their dreams.
Not only are alcohol commercials very rare but also alcohol ads were not made to target alcohol consumption. Alcohol ads are not were not made for an increase in alcohol consumption, they were just made to get to drink their brand. Yes, people always think that alcohol ads are made to target alcohol consumption.
But the truth is that these ads have no bad intentions. All these alcohol ads advertise for is to try to get people alcohol advertising essay switch to their brand. As you may have read, alcohol ads advertise to increase market share. They do not mean no harm to young people, the ads are not even intended for young people.
Advertisers just want to get themselves known. A recent report by the Federal Trade Commission concluded that underage individuals have significant exposure to alcohol advertising, alcohol advertising essay. This quote explains how advertisements are high and so is the misuse in alcohol but the evidence of advertisements being shown does not conclude that it causes young people to consume more alcohol.
Not only are alcohol ads not the target to alcohol consumption but also experts always state that alcohol ads cause alcohol consumption but never have scientific evidence to back up what they are stating. All these experts say how it affects alcohol advertising essay consumption and it encourages young people to drink more but the articles showed how they do not have clear evidence.
When they do say that alcohol advertising essay did some studies, alcohol advertising essay, that is all they say, they never give the results they came up with. Alcohol: Problems and Solutions. For example, alcohol brand advertising was first introduced in New Zealand in As you can see, the people have no idea that these experts do not have the evidence to back their statement up.
These harmless alcohol advertisements are getting blamed by these ignorant experts saying that these ads affect alcohol consumption. When in reality these experts are looking for a reason why young people are drinking more and more and they do not know what to blame besides these innocent ads.
This quote is from an alcohol advertising essay I read and it backs up alcohol advertising essay statment. An expert said that there is no clear evidence to show that alcohol advertising affects consumption, this shows how even an expert admits that they did not get any results saying that these ads cause alcohol consumption. This quote would not have said it any better.
Alcohol advertising does not affect young people and their alcohol consumption. Advertising for alcohol is not big cause because it really does alcohol advertising essay harm and does not have bad intentions. Alcohol ads are rare on tv, and if there are some, the ads are not very clear on what they are displaying.
Alcohol advertisements are not just rare and alcohol advertising essay in their ads but the alcohol companies do not target young people and do not target to increase alcohol consumption. Alcohol advertisers do not want to get young people to drink, all they are looking for is to get responsible drinkers to switch to their brand. Advertisers spend the money on ads to get people to switch to their brand, they do not have bad intentions or they do not try to get young people to consume alcohol.
Last, alcohol advertising is blamed for causing an increase in alcohol consumption and for influencing young people to drink. Experts say that one alcohol advertising essay the reasons why young college students are out of control and they drink to the extent where they have no idea what they are doing is because of alcohol advertising.
But these people have no idea that these experts have no scientific evidence that alcohol advertisements cause an increase in alcohol consumption. Other experts state that they have no clear evidence to prove and support their statement that alcohol advertising causes an increase in alcohol consumption. One way experts can solve this problem is by coming up with real evidence that support thier statement. They need to show that they have good enough reasons why alcohol advertising should be banned.
Therefore, the media and its alcohol ads have no effect in the youth and it does not increase alcohol consumption in the youth, and the youth is not a target to alcohol advertisers. Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites, alcohol advertising essay.
Diego Loza. Search this site. About Me, alcohol advertising essay. Diego Loza English 3 Essay 3 May 30th, Alcohol Ads Should Be Banned?
Alcohol Can Enhance Creativity—But at a Cost
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May 30, · Alcohol advertising does not affect young people and their alcohol consumption. Advertising for alcohol is not big cause because it really does no harm and does not have bad intentions. Alcohol ads Overview of Alcohol Advertising Essay. Words | 10 Pages. Introduction In terms of business, advertising is a type of marketing communication that is used to encourage, persuade or manipulate groups of people to take some action or continue with the Alcohol Advertising Essay Words | 5 Pages. Alcohol Advertising Millions of Americans suffers from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. It can shatter lives, brake families, and to rob people of their dreams for the future
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