Co-education synonyms, Co-education pronunciation, Co-education translation, English dictionary definition of Co-education. abbreviation adjective of the education of pupils or students of both sexes in the same school or college. a co-educational school. ˈco-ed noun a woman Co-educational means education for boys and girls together. The practice has been different in different countries, and at different times. Most primary schools have been co-educational for a long time. There is no reason to educate females separately before the age of puberty Apr 14, · 1. adjective. A co-ed school or college is the same as a co-educational school or college. He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school. 2. countable noun. A co-ed is a female student at a co-educational college or university. [US, informal] two University of Florida coeds. 3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Essay On Co Education In English | English Summary
The education system plays a very important role in making the world a better place to live in the most civilized way, co education meaning in english.
A country says to develop only if it has a very good education system. It works towards creating gender equality in all the fields that also come with respect. Even though co education meaning in english equality respected and nurtured in all parts of the world, there still thousands of doubts raised about having co-education in schools, co education meaning in english, colleges, etc. For all those people who co education meaning in english whether coeducation is good or bad here you will find all co education meaning in english information about what means by coeducation, the importance of the co-education system, the advantages, and disadvantages of co-education.
In this process, both the genders would benefit equally in learning or attaining knowledge from the institution. This method of education even though is becoming common all over the world, as there are still few parts of the country who sometimes feel, co education meaning in english, segregation is for the betterment of the learning process.
However, co education meaning in english, few feel, segregation of the genders causes trouble in the learning process and makes it more complicated. Co-education refers to providing education to both girls and boys together, without any discrimination specifically gender discrimination. This is the actual meaning of coeducation explained in simple terms.
Gender discrimination is an outrageous atrocity that was and is still prevalent in a few countries. Though this is a common debatable topic, its time we need to change our opinions on such factors. Other few factors help us get rid of these outdated thinking. In ancient times, Greece was the only country that allowed coeducation. But as time passed by, most of the countries in the world have adopted coeducation into their systems. The reason why coeducation is important is that it awakens the spirit of equality and comradeship among all students without any discrimination.
For some information on Coeducation in Islamyou can refer to this article pdf file : academia. In the term co-education, the prefix co means togetherthe meaning of coeducation is nothing but educating or teaching both girls and boys together i. e, it can be in schools, colleges or universities. Adding coeducation into the educational system widely seen in the west. It then began to spread and now most of the countries in the world have accepted it.
Well, fortunately, India is no backward in this case and you can see coeducation being part of the educational system widely in India.
As per mythology, during the Vedic age, women were treated highly and also given a high status in society. During that time coeducation was practiced in ancient India.
But slowly coeducation was not encouraged much in India and it turns out to be a debatable matter, co education meaning in english. At the time of British rule, though coeducation had got a boost, only a negligible percentage of girls got the privilege of studying in co-education institutions. But with time passing by, now education given higher importance not only for boys but for girls too. Also, people have understood the reasons why co-ed schools are better.
As a result, we can see the number of co-ed institutions increasing all over India. A good education system is said to be progressive only if it respects both the genders and giving the same education under a single roof.
Co-education institutions help in laying the foundation for both the genders to learn how to co-exist with respect and dignity.
Here are a few points that explain the advantages of the co-education system. Co-education allows both the genders to mingle with each other and to know how to co-exist with respect. By this process of getting mingle under one learning institution, they develop a mutual understanding.
And there is no place of hesitation or partiality among the genders when it comes to performing activities like cultural, academics or sports. People get to know how to respect each other and their emotional level. In general, there are a lot of differences in the behavior of both the genders which brings in fear and hesitance in striking a conversation, this fear can be for a boy or a girl.
This kind of shyness, hesitation or fear can overcome when they put up in a co-education system where they will compel to talk and create a friendly environment without any fear.
It is a very natural phenomenon where both the co education meaning in english have to be together to face the world, your senior could be a male or a female and you would have to create a friendly environment and must be at ease with the opposite sex. Hence, co-education would help them to know the opposite sex better, creating a comfort zone where communication is easier.
Competition is always an essential part of any kind of challenge in life be it personal or professional. And especially in education, it is good to have healthy competition among peers which lets you learn how to cope with your failures early in life no matter who the winner is. So, co-education systems nurture challenges among the opposite genders in a healthy way, that helps you to maintain your dignity.
It also educates you to face your failures and learn from them rather than turn them into the revengeful act. Self-esteem is very essential and has to be built in a good way and the best place to start with it is the learning institutions where you can face all types of personality early in your life. Co-education learning centers help to lay the early foundation for maintaining dignity and self-esteem.
Many institutions give extra attention to students who feel that they are less worthy than others and offer counseling sessions that help in building up their personality and making them stronger to face the world.
Working together to making a marriage successful is all about teamwork and the effort given by both males and females. Team building activities in early stages help both the genders to learn how to co-exist and this can only be provided in the co-educational system. In this way, co-education is an essential part of the education system which co education meaning in english the genders to work together and blend to survive in this brutal world.
A recent study reveals that children tend to behave very decently in a civilized manner in the presence of other gender provided they have been in this scenario for long, co education meaning in english. This is very essential in an institution set up as well as it will have a huge impact on their front for the people of the opposite sex to behave well with each other.
Hence, co-education plays an important role in character building. They emphasize the fact that they have to respect and listen to the opposite sex as they listen and respect one from their own. Quarrel among peers is very common to be it at home, workplace or educational institutions. This may happen due to no proper co education meaning in english, misconceptions, miss-communications, uncomfortable, no respect for other sex and ignorance.
All this can only be improved when there is a good understanding between the two. This is very much reduced in a co-education system as they understand better each other and hence, reducing the bad behavior and harsh reactions from each other.
So, the co-education system reduces any kind of discrimination and increases respect towards the opposite sex. Be it any country there will be a shortage of lecturers if there are separate institutions or centers for genders right from school to college.
It might be very difficult to fill in, even if there would be a huge demand for teachers. It also breeds monetary loss to the government or a private institution when they invest a huge amount for separate lecturers teaching the same thing to students across institutions, co education meaning in english.
Hence, the co-education system has the advantage of proper resource handling. When both genders are put up in the same environment, there are more possibilities of following good ethics, disciplined use of language, and proper dressing, etc. You would know what the needs are of the opposite sex and how they co education meaning in english helping you to avoid unfavorable situations.
Co-education supports a good decent environment with more value-based education emphasizing respect and love for each other.
Every establishment has pros as well co education meaning in english cons and hence we need to look at every angle before we decide in which direction we have to go.
Though there are many advantages of having a co-education system, our society still puts forward a few inhibitions which do not accept the concept. Mentioned here are few disadvantages or bad effects of co-education.
They are. It is very common among teens to undergo psychological changes when they are in the company of the other gender and feel attracted to them. And especially, where they are in a process of defining their career path, it could cause a lot of distractions and might disturb their knowledge gain period.
Hence, parents often wonder if co-education institutions would be the right choice for their kin to learn or whether they should avoid the co-education system. There might be a lot of characteristic changes among boys and girls. When they mismatch, some ferocious kids tend to commit various harassments, physical toughness, and emotional stress to people around them. The weaker lot can suffer at the hands of the opposite sex pushing them into depression and other psychological problems.
Hence, people hesitate to support the co-education system to ensure that their kids are in a safe environment and this is especially for the girls.
As the saying goes, the opposite things attract each other, it applies to the human world also. Attractions among the opposite genders are the most commonly used excuse to avoid the co-education system, co education meaning in english. It is natural to get physically attracted to the other gender at a crucial age of life where curiosity takes over your heart. So, parents feel co-education is a risky task to take forward as they can have easy access to distractions within the institutions.
An emotional involvement at an early stage can come with a lot of baggage that can force a child to deviate from their goals. Both genders come from different schools of thought and hence contradiction of thoughts is common among boys and girls.
If the arguments are not handled in a proper behavior then it can sometimes lead to unwanted arguments and might divert from their studies. It can lead to a lot of complaints and parents making the rounds at the school for improper behavior from their kin. With schools and colleges dedicated towards a single-gender, creates a lot of shortage for the opposite genders to apply.
If the demand for teachers increases, then the demand for institutions based on gender also increases. Establishing an institution is an expensive affair which may not be a feasible option to implement all over the world. There can be a scenario where you have more supply of students but less number of institutions to work with it.
Dedicated institutions can also lead to a lot of discomfort in handling the other gender when it comes to working in a professional world creating issues in your career path and growth. There are both advantages as well as disadvantages for any kind of education system including the co-education system. Good social environment will nurture the positives of society and help in dealing with the negatives in a dignified manner. There is no educational system in the world that has eradicated the negatives of the society but a co-educational system can work towards mending the gap between the genders and building a bridge of friendship.
In this promising era of empowerment, co education meaning in english, though the debate on coeducation is going on, it is very essential to have a co-education system to fit the survival of an environment where both the genders have their place. Monday, co education meaning in english, April 19, Book a Demo. Career Advice All Career Development Changing Careers Choosing a Career Unemployment Work Abroad Work from Home, co education meaning in english.
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Co-Education English Essay in English to Hindi - Co-Education - Important Essay Co-Education
, time: 10:11Co-education - definition of Co-education by The Free Dictionary

Essay on Co education in English - Co education, as the word denotes, means education of boys and girls together in schools and colleges. When both the sexes receive education jointly, there is no need for separate institutions Apr 14, · 1. adjective. A co-ed school or college is the same as a co-educational school or college. He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school. 2. countable noun. A co-ed is a female student at a co-educational college or university. [US, informal] two University of Florida coeds. 3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] coeducation definition: 1. the teaching of male and female students together 2. the teaching of male and female students. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus
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