Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Childrens nursing personal statement examples

Childrens nursing personal statement examples

childrens nursing personal statement examples

Child Nursing Personal Statement. I am passionate about making a difference to people’s lives. Nursing is a career that fulfils this ambition. Having been part of a large family I have been learnt to help others and to do the best I can in everything. I am inspired to be a nurse by my mother who shared her experiences about her nursing career Children's nursing requires determination, perseverance, great knowledge and commitment. I have experienced first-hand how caring, amazing and professional the children's nurses are. The care my family received in the high dependency unit when my 8-week-old son fell ill really touched my heart and gave me a massive insight into their roles and responsibilities Children Nursing Personal Statement. After a series of illnesses and injuries during my early childhood, I was introduced to the role and care of Nurses. It was from here I became fascinated and realised this could be a satisfying future outlet for my empathetic self

Child Nursing Personal Statement |

Child nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however the rewards would be amazing and I am ready childrens nursing personal statement examples embark on this career.

Nursing has always been a desire of mine. The devotion and humanity of child nurses who go further than just treating young patients, but genuinely wanting to make them happy and as comfortable as possible in difficult times is truly inspiring. This is the main reason why I am immensely inspired to train in this field giving my unsurpassed help to young people who depend on us.

Studying Health and Social Care throughout College has made me realise that nursing is much more than a profession, it is a way of life, which includes life-long learning. Understanding this takes qualities such as being dedicated, intuitive, reassuring, childrens nursing personal statement examples, possessing excellent communication skills, the ability to play sensitively with a child and being confident when handling the distress of parents, childrens nursing personal statement examples.

In addition to this you must also be reliable, trusting, able to develop relationships, be interactive, compassionate, motivated, ambitious and hardworking. I believe I possess these qualities and will develop further knowledge, skills and abilities, over the 3 years of study, whilst working to the highest standard. My course has given me the opportunity childrens nursing personal statement examples gain new and exciting knowledge from each of the diverse units we have studied.

While studying anatomy and physiology, I increasing became more interested in science, I have always been intrigued by science while in school but it was working with my tutor who is a doctor that really made me become engrossed in the subject.

I now have a range childrens nursing personal statement examples knowledge on how our body works, for instance, the digestive system, cardiovascular system and the central nervous system, childrens nursing personal statement examples.

Studying effective communication will help me in child nursing since it is vitally important to be able to communicate with young children, parents, guardians and other health professionals by working in a multidisciplinary team providing the best care for the patient. I fully understand child nursing will not be a glamorous job. I will be working long hours, shift work and on public holidays, however, as long as I am making a positive difference to the experience of a child in hospital I would happily work all day, every day.

It is important to understand there will be barriers when working with sick children, for example, if a teenager found it difficult to talk about their experience or is scared of the childrens nursing personal statement examples of asking for help.

It is important to talk to the child informally making sure you are not talking to the individual as a sick patient but as a child who is scared to ask for help. By gaining their trust it will become easier for the child to open up to you, meaning treatment or recovery would be as effective as possible. Overcoming this barrier will hopefully result with them gradually processing into a healthier state physically and emotionally.

I gained much communication skills when I was a part of my youth centre where I participated in team challenges. I also learned communication skills while working in a nursery. My proudest achievement was working with severely mentally disabled college student; this really was a memorable life changing experience. Achieving first aid training, learning how to carry out CPR, the recovery position and applying bandages filled me with pride. Overall I believe I am right for this course I am childrens nursing personal statement examples much a people person, childrens nursing personal statement examples, easy going and very approachable, I can also cope in a variety of situations, I always try my hardest as I am highly energetic and self-motivated.

good personal statement, however no diversity in their experiences, it is limited to one aspect of their academic career health and social care with no mention of any external activities or work experience. Skip to main content. You are here Home » Personal Statements » Nursing Personal Statement Examples » Child Nursing Personal Statement.

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Child Nursing Personal Statement. I can not wait to take the next step to achieve my dream. Your name. Please complete the check below to help us prevent spam comments.

HOW TO WRITE A NURSING PERSONAL STATEMENT: top tips, structure and examples

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childrens nursing personal statement examples

Child Nursing Personal Statement. Child nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however the rewards would be amazing and I am ready to embark on this career. Nursing has always been a desire of mine. Ever since a young girl, when being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my response was to be a children’s nurse and to help others I found this week more challenging but also more rewarding as I was put in a group of children age who all had communication problems but as the week went on I learnt that every child had there own way of communicating with you and this helped me further into my decision of nursing Children Nursing Personal Statement. After a series of illnesses and injuries during my early childhood, I was introduced to the role and care of Nurses. It was from here I became fascinated and realised this could be a satisfying future outlet for my empathetic self

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