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Causes and effects of obesity ielts essay

Causes and effects of obesity ielts essay

causes and effects of obesity ielts essay

Jun 28,  · Just draw a rough flow of ideas. The causes of the problem of increased obesity levels among children could be to overeating of unhealthy foods and lack of physical exercise. The effects of these actions could be increased risk of heart diseases and lowered levels of physical fitness Obesity means BMI greater than (ibid). This essay will outline the causes and effects of obesity. Diet, lifestyle, toxic environment and the causes of obesity are physical, psychological and economic are impacts. One fundamental cause of obesity is blogger.comg: ielts Causes and Effects Essay - Model Answer. Over the last ten years, western societies have seen close to a 20% rise in the number of children who are overweight. This essay will discuss some reasons why this has occurred and examine the consequences of this worrying trend. The main cause of this problem is

IELTS essay about causes of obesity – IELTS

April Special The number of overweight children in developed countries is increasing. Some people think this due to problems such as the growing of number of fast food outlets. Click here to add your own comments. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. Simply click here to return to IELTS Essay Feedback Forum. by Megan Lanzuela Philippines. Modern children are suffering from the diseases that were once considered to be meant for adults only. Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children.

What are the causes and what solutions can be offered? According to statistics, a high percentage of young children are being afflicted with obesity. This dreaded disease which is thought to prevail among adults becomes a problem for adults as well. It can be said that there are various factors that we can look into why such illness occurs. Primary among its causes is diet. It is only in this generation that kids are exposed to different fast foods. What this chains offer are all fast junk foods -low in nutritional content but saturated with fats and salt.

Absurd as it may seem, children find it more appealing and delectable than eating plain green vegetables. One way to solve this is for parents to implement a stricter rule on how frequent their child can eat fast foods. They should also exert extra effort on how to introduce vegetables in the diet in a creative way. Hence, at an early age they will already know how to maintain a well balanced diet without depriving themselves of some pleasures. Another culprit that we can point out is the lack of physical activity.

In the early days, you can find a lot of children playing and running along the streets but today all you can see are children attached to their tablets and eyes focused on computer screens.

Instead of burning fats that ore that they accumulate it through this manner. The way for this is for parents to set a time limit on the use of gadgets and encourage their children to engage different sports.

Creating a more stimulating environment wherein children can move and play around will in some ways curb their chances in being obese. Ont the final note, this increasing number of obesity among kids will not stop unless proper action must be actively taken most especially by the parents.

Even at a young age it must be instilled in the young minds of these children the implications that obesity has on their health. Click here to post comments. by Jirussa Gosumbonggot Thailand. In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their level of health and fitness is decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Nowadays, obesity has been one of a major health issues among populations in many parts around the world, especially in developed countries, causes and effects of obesity ielts essay. This essay will discussed the causes relating to a rise of overweight population and solutions to tackle with them. The prominent cause of obesity is a social transformation.

In these days, business environment is becoming more competitive than in the past, which makes people have to work harder to earn money for living and survive. As a consequence, they tend to have less time to exercise. Furthermore, preparing food themselves on a daily basis can be impossible to many people as they have a tight schedule of work on weekdays, therefore, ready-to-eat meals and junk food becomes their choice of food, which they tend to loss in nutrients.

Consumption in this types of food in a long-term could possibly leads to various health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Although these problems have caused a great threat to public health in many areas around the world, it can be tackled if these measures are taken cautiously. Governments should increased investment in nutrition promotion and educational programmes to raise awareness to public on the importance of causes and effects of obesity ielts essay healthy.

For instance, running a campaign to encourage people to cook food themselves instead of dependent on fast food, which home cooked meals contain more balanced in nutrients than processed food. Another approach is that governments should allocate more budgets on building facilities that are accessible to ensure healthy lifestyle of citizens.

For example, build more public gyms and parks, causes and effects of obesity ielts essay. People will be more aware to exercise when they have time. In conclusion, to decrease the number of overweight population in every countries is both a responsibility for governments and citizens.

Information regarding to serious impact of getting overweight must be passed through generations to promote healthy lifestyle and increase both physical and emotional well-being to everyone. Can anyone give some feedback on this obesity essay. Thank you The number of overweight children in developed countries is increasing.

Some people think this is due to problems such as the growing causes and effects of obesity ielts essay of fast food outlets.

Others believe that parents are to blame for not looking after their children's health. Discuss both views and give your opinion. The percentage of overweight children in developed countries has become very alarming. Well some people would say that there are two main causes for it, they are fast food outlets and parents are being pointed at as they do not have proper knowledge about nutrition causes and effects of obesity ielts essay children.

Fast foods are like mushrooms which grow in every countries, town and even in some villages. Fast foods like its name state is easily accessible, cooked very quickly and kids love them because they are food like burgers, fries and steak, which is very rich in proteins, but according to a dietitian this is not good for their health.

A kid who eats that sort of junk food almost every day is bound to put some weight and gradually become obese. Reasons provided by parents for such behavior is because they are overwhelmed by their day job and they are unable to prepare daily lunch for their kids to eat at school.

Well parents according to be causes and effects of obesity ielts essay not entirely to blame for overweight children because there is also the fact that children lacks sports activities and if they eat those junk food eventually this will lead to an alarming increase in obese causes and effects of obesity ielts essay. I am unable to get Score 7 in General witing.

Please advise me some tips and tricks. And please evaluate my Ielts essay below. What are its causes and what solutions can be offered? Obesity among children has dramatically increased over the last few years in developing countries. This is an alarming situation, which should be control at its earliest. It is a mutual responsibility of both individual and government to identify the reasons of this vulnerable disease and offer solutions to rectify it.

Nowadays, the trend of hoteling drastically increased. Peoples do not like to cook at home. Children have become addicted to junk food such as burger, pizza, grilled chicken etc.

One of the reasons is that both parents are working simultaneously that is why they have less time to cook at home. Furthermore, rise in technological development steadily eliminate the concept of physical routine works from our lives. Children are more opted towards computer games, mobiles and gadgets than playing any sports or doing exercises. Lack of these activities is the primary reason of obesity. In order to control this problem, physical education should be mandatory at school level.

Each individual is required participate in any sports activity on daily basis for thirty to forty minutes. This will definitely improve their health and mind. Apart from that, causes and effects of obesity ielts essay, parents should encourage their children for playing their favorite sports. In addition to this, they should be served with fruits and vegetables which is the healthy source of vitamins and irons.

In conclusion, I would like to say that obesity could be controlled by changing our life style and eating habits. The causes and effects of obesity ielts essay of government cannot be neglected while addressing this issue. Hi, I am going to appear for ielts on 13th august. Some of the comments in this forum have made me nervous. I would appreciate if anyone could give me advice on this essay. Today more people are overweight than ever before.

What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic? Nowadays, majority of population is getting obese. Obesity may bring out various chronic illnesses for example Diabetes, High Blood problem, Heart problem etc.

Therefore, necessary steps should be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects caused by being overweight. This essay will discuss the causes and suggest necessary steps to tackle this problem. First and foremost, Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are the primary causes of making people Obese. From last few decades both men and women go to work thus, they could not spend more time at home in cooking and with kids.

As a consequence, Kids and teenagers are encouraged to eat unhealthy food from outside. Moreover, Thanks to the technological advancements, today's generation like to spend more time on internet. They do not want to do exercise, causes and effects of obesity ielts essay.

IN addition, instead of going through walk or using bicycles, they like to commute through privet vehicles. Therefore, lack of physical activity make people fattier than before. However, there are several steps to overcome this serious problem. Firstly, Parents should encourage their kids to adapt healthy eating habits.

ielts writing task 2 children overweight 2020

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Causes and effects essay- IELTS writing task 2 - IELTSguru

causes and effects of obesity ielts essay

Obesity means BMI greater than (ibid). This essay will outline the causes and effects of obesity. Diet, lifestyle, toxic environment and the causes of obesity are physical, psychological and economic are impacts. One fundamental cause of obesity is blogger.comg: ielts This essay will discussed the causes relating to a rise of overweight population and solutions to tackle with them. The prominent cause of obesity is a social transformation. In these days, business environment is becoming more competitive than in the past, which makes people have to work harder to earn money for living and survive Aug 23,  · This essay will discuss the possible causes for this increasing problem among children and also suggests the possible consequences that may result in case of negligence. Furthermore, To embark upon, one of the main causes of obesity among children is poor diet as they are often seen eating junk food. At almost every corner of the street, one can found restaurants offering mouth

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